Everything is pre-written.. but with prayers it can be re-written..
so live the best and leave the rest to Allah! :)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

goodbye my first CD =(


finally it's done. my complete denture (without flasking and dewaxing).

im a LIL BIT frustrated with the fact the we actually have to remove those teeth in order to use the base plate (the palate part-purple in the pic) for practical exam.

we took more or less 2 weeks to finish this damn thing.

lucky senpai-s, their case is different. they made a new base plate. (maybe we didnt have enough time=(, but that's unfairrrrr..! )

see how upset i was during removing those teeth:

im not exaggerating. it's true!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Asyura: Part II


so lepas kita dah tau dalil tentang asyura, kita tengok plak, apa peristiwa hari asyura ni dulu..

19 Peristiwa yang berlaku pada hari Asyura:

  1. Allah jadikan 7 petala langit dan 7 petala bumi. 
  2. Allah jadikan bulan, bintang, matahari dan cakerawala.
  3. Allah jadikan Arasy, Loh Mahfuz, Kalam dan Malaikat. 
  4. Hari pertama Allah mencipta alam dan menurunkan hujan.
  5. Allah mencipta Nabi Adam Alaihissallam. 
  6. Allah menjadikan Siti Hawa. 
  7. Allah menjadikan Syurga. 
  8. Dimasukkan Nabi Adam ke dalam Syurga. 
  9. Taubat Nabi Adam diterima Allah. 
  10. Nabi Noh diselamatkan oleh Allah keluar dari bahtera setelah bumi tenggelam selama enam bulan. 
  11. Nabi Ibrahim dilahirkan dan 10 Muharram juga Baginda diselamatkan Allah daripada dibakar Raja Zamrud. 
  12. Allah menurunkan kitab Taurat kepada Nabi Musa. 
  13. Nabi Yusuf dibebaskan dari penjara. 
  14. Pengelihatan Nabi Yaakob yang buta dipulihkan oleh Allah. 
  15. Nabi Ayub dipulihkan oleh Allah dari penyakit kulit yang dideritainya. 
  16. Nabi Yunus selamat keluar dari perut ikan setelah berada didalamnya selama empat puluh hari dan empat puluh malam. 
  17. Laut merah terbelah dua untuk menyelamatkan Nabi Musa bersama pengikutnya daripada tentera Firaun. 
  18. Firaun dan pengikutnya tenggelam kedalam lautan tersebut. 
  19. Nabi Sulaiman dikurniakan Allah Kerajaan yang besar. 
dah tahu sejarah, kene la tau amalan sunat plak kn? jom buat checklist utk esok :D

Amalan-amalan sunat pada Hari Asyura :

  • Berpuasa - Pahalanya seperti mengerjakan haji dan umrah dan mati syahid. 
  • Mandi dan membersihkan diri - Nescaya hatinya tidak akan mati dan tidak akan jatuh sakit pada tahun itu kecuali mati. 
  • Melebihkan perbelanjaan dalam keluarga - Diluaskan Allah rezekinya serta beroleh keamanan dan kesihatan. 
  • Mengusap kepala anak yatim dan menaruh belas kasihan terhadap mereka - Diangkat oleh Allah darjatnya kesyurga. Sesiapa yang berbuat baik terhadap anak yatim pada hari Asyura, seolah-olah ia telah berbuat baik kepada semua anak yatim. 
  • Menziarahi orang alim (banyak ilmu) dan belajar sesuatu ilmu daripadanya - Pahalanya seperti orang Muhajirin dan Ansar. 
  • Menziarahi orang sakit - Pahalanya seolah-olah ia telah menziarahi semua orang yang sedang sakit. 
  • Bersedekah - Pahalanya sepertiu bersedekah satu tahun kepada zuriat Nabi Adam dan seolah-olah ia tidak pernah menolak permintaan orang yang meminta kepadanya seumur hidup. 
  • Membaca surah Al-Ikhlas sebanyak 1000 kali - Doanya dimakbulkan Allah. 
  • Sunat bercelak mata - InsyaAllah tidak terkena sakit mata atau matanya dilindungi Allah daripada perkara maksiat. 
  • Sunat menginai dan mengerat kuku. 
  • Menjamu dan memberi minum kepada orang - Allah akan memberi seteguk air pada hari akhirat dimana dengan seteguk air itu tidak akan haus buat selama-lamanya. 
  • Solat sunat 4 rakaat 1 salam pada waktu Asar - Diampunkan Allah dosanya selama 50 tahun terdahulu dan terkemudian. 
  • Memperkukuhkan silaturrahim - Insya Allah dipanjangkan usianya. 
  • Memperbanyakkan Zikir dan Selawat.( hasbunnallah wa nikmal wakil, nikmal maula wa nikman nassir )
sekian copy paste dr saye..moga bermanfaat utk korg ^_^ ilmu yg baik mesti disebar2kn ^_^ 
selamat beramal!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Asyura: Part I


tahukah anda tentang hari asyura? hoho, skema plak. selama ni kte tau melalui pendidikan islam kt skolah kan. pastu lupe balik. 

so td sy ade tanye org ttg hari asyura ni.(sb sy pn lupe kenapa nk kne puasa), so sy nk kongsi la dgn sume org. tgk sejarah puasa hr asyura ni. sila baca, moga dgn bacaan kali ni, kte semat sesemat mungkin di dada. takde la pasni lupe ape reason utk kte puasa sunat on hari asyura ni. ^_^

Berpuasa di Hari Asyura (10 Muharram 1431H = 16/12/2010)
Daripada Ibn Abbas r.a.:“Bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w. berpuasa pada hari ‘asyura dan memerintahkan agar berpuasa padanya”. (Riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim dalam sahih mereka).
nblh tambah: sebelum turun perintah wajib berpuasa di bulan ramadan, puasa hari asyura tu wajib. tp lpas turun perintah, dia jd sunat. ni org bg tau sy..

Daripada Abu Qatadah r.a. : bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w ditanya tentang puasa hari ‘asyura. Baginda menjawab, “(Puasa tersebut) Menghapuskan dosa satu tahun yang lalu”. (Riwayat Muslim)
nblh tmbh: kita taknak ke? peluang keemasan ni =)

Daripada Ibn Abbas r.a. beliau berkata: “Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda, “Sekiranya aku masih hidup sampai tahun depan, maka aku akan berpuasa pada (hari) kesembilan” (Riwayat. Muslim).
nblh tmbh: mksudnya kita kena puasa 9&10 Muharam la. sebab nak bezakan puasa kita ni dengan puasa yahudi."

Ibn ‘Abbas meriwayatkan yang bermaksud: “Apabila Nabi Muhammad saw datang ke Madinah, Baginda melihat orang Yahudi berpuasa pada hari Asyura, lalu Baginda bertanya: “Apakah ini?”Mereka menjawab: “Hari ini adalah hari yang baik di mana Allah telah menyelamatkan padanya Nabi Musa dan Bani Israil daripada musuh mereka, maka Musa pun berpuasa.”Lalu Baginda bersabda: “Aku lebih berhak dengan Musa daripada kamu.” Maka, Baginda pun berpuasa dan menyuruh orang ramai supaya berpuasa.” (Hadis riwayat al-Bukhari)
nblh tmbh: ha..yg ni yg sy cakap tu. yahudi pun puasa pd hari asyura. tp kita lebih layak ^_^

nk lagi hadith pasal hari asyura? klik SINI !
nantikan asyura part II~

Sunday, December 5, 2010

poster PINTAR 2


aha. lately i've been doing a lot of poster using cs5.
so here's the latest one. lucky you guys because i haven't post it on fb PINTAR and PERMAI yahoo group. do leave any comments and critics. i made it simple. and just tell me if there's anything i should change okay? thanks!

new additional message: so i made another one. there's slight diff in case of the fonts and i added few words. again, which one is better?.?



Thursday, December 2, 2010

serabut dan abu bakar. wat the..kan? lulz


hye fellas! yes, i am very serabut right now. lack of sleep, many works to do, and studies to be done. my next paper is pharmacology (everything about drugs) and then oral epidemiology (studies of diseases on populations). that'll be the end of midterm..(finalllllly.....!)

ok, end with my serabut-story thing.

today i had my cons lab (cavity and restoration stuffs). there's an instructor or lab keeper or err.. (i dont know what you call it), named Ustaz Ibrahim Za3tar. he's in charged for cons lab. meaning, if you have any problem with technical, (yess! maybe that's the word-->technician), you can always meet him in the center lab.

btw, before any further, you guys should now some of his characteristics.
  • he's an arab
  • someone at mid forties (I GUESS???). 
  • he ALWAYS smile (when i bold the always, i mean, REALLY ALWAYS), 
  • very kind and gentle, 
  • and will always try to help you with any lab-problems. (i once lost lab's mandril and couldnt find it, but he cool-ly said, "NO PROBLEM" and SMILES (like always=.=").

so today me and my friends were early. we waited outside, waiting somebody would open the lab. then there's ustaz ibrahim. he came with his thin-specky-colleague. he opened the door and tafaddholi-ed me.

as i passed the door, he said,
"abu bakar?"
i was like, "aaa? abu bakar?"
then he said, "yes, abu bakar.."
seeing me confused, he asked, "what's abu bakar in malizi language?"
i paused for few secs. "it's a name", i blurted.
"no it's not a nameeee..." said ustaz ibrahim with a slight of disappointment.

then he continued doing his things. setting the lab materials and switching on the power supply.

i wasn't satisfied with the abu bakar thing. takkan dia nak tanye aku pasal abu bakar (suami kak amani) yang baru kawin tu?

"so ustaz, what did you mean by abu bakar?" i asked him when he passed my workplace. (the lab was not yet started).

he chuckled. "abu bakar? zai keifak? (how are you)"

ooohhhhh... you mean APA KHABAR????

he laughed. "yesss..aba khabar!"
all the malizies in the lab went HAHAHAHAHAHA.

ustaz ibrahim, so cute lah!

p/s: so what if i'm selling cheap post? i just wanna share some cuteness, living in jordan-_-

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

raya haji 2010


raya haji 2010 sy kat jordan. ade jamuan batch (pmpn shj), open house junior +nikah kak amani n snior abu bakar (mabruk!)

program akhwt

kek red vanilla

kitorg yg dah naik berat-_-.....

kak amani + senior abu bakar = just married ^_^

p/s: sy rs bsalah pd diri sndiri, sb mkn byk hr ni. siannye perut, mlm ni nk kne digest byk mknn T_____T bersabarlah perut..esok kte skipping T_T

Monday, November 15, 2010

youm 3rafah =)


Dan Rasulullah SAW ditanya tentang berpuasa di hari ‘Arafah. Maka Baginda bersabda: “Ia menebus dosa setahun yang telah lalu dan setahun yang akan datang.” (Hadith Riwayat Imam Muslim) 

sape xnk ditebus dosa kan? jojojommm puaseee =D 

Thursday, November 11, 2010



 tadaaaa~ my firssst cheesecake! =P

ok, gelak la-_-.. cheesecake sy ketot..sgt sgt sgt ketot-_-"....................

haha, lawak je td, tgh pecah2kan biskut digestive tu, recheck blk recipe, rupa2nya yg sy tgh buat tu kuantiti utk 1kg cream cheese, sy plak ade 400g je -_____-..... so xtkjut la if cheesecake sy ketot. tp last2 terkejut gak, sb.. "INI KETOT SGT...?!"

haha, gelak je la mampu. first time.

tp alhamdulillah 3la kulli hal, sb menjadi gak. bcz bfore ni if nk bake pape, msti ade "batch yg x menjadi" dlu.

like cookies, 4 attempts or more kot xberjaye. smpai rs nk give up je. dgn alasan, "sy xde bakat bake cookies T.T" tp alhamdulillah (again^_^), last batch yg sy bake menjadi! hehe, gembira sgt =D

oh tp, xleh mkn manis slalu. nnt diabetes T.T xmahuuu xmahuuu T.T....~

btw, ni recipe cheesecake sy guna. you guys should try it too, not bad =D

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

poster PINTAR 1


some sort of adv about PINTAR's program. care to comment?

Thursday, November 4, 2010



huaaaa. korang sureee da tengok video mat salleh cakap melayu kn?? hot tak kire di fb mahupun youtube.

huaaaaaaa (lagi-_-)....sb dia duduk setahun kat msia tp da pndai cakap bm!

huaaa huaaa huaaaa...sb sy duduk kat jordan nk dkat 3 thn dah tp boleh cakap arab shuwayya shuwayya jeeeee T.T.......!!!

thanks ben/baca, sb video dia buat sy bersemangat nak kuasai 3 bahasa.
target ikut turutan: arab, chinese, and english (yg ni dah blh insya allah).

utk sesape yg xtgk lg video ben, klik sini. hehe, comel je kan foreigner ckp bhs kita. msti comel gak kita ckp bhs foreigner. haha, gedik =P

Tuesday, November 2, 2010



projek kecil-kecilan malam td: homemade sushi!

i dont love sushi as much as i love brownies.
yet sushi is still yummy ;)
i wont hesitate if anyone wanna treat me at sushi king xD

btw there's a reason why i wanna learn how to make sushi. hihi. gedik. secret2 =P

p/s: credits to maryam n hidayat sb wat same2 =D

Monday, October 25, 2010

happy birthday ma =)


Mom, on your birthday

I celebrate you being you,
my extraordinary mother.
You have made such a difference,
created so much good in my life!

I celebrate your smart mothering,
your clever, creative methods
of gently molding your beloved child
into your vision of me:
a strong, capable adult,
an unselfish person of good character.

I celebrate your boundless
physical and emotional energy...
loving me, leading me, supporting me,
lifting me when I fall.

On your birthday, Mom,

I celebrate the best thing about my life...
having you as my mother..


Saturday, October 23, 2010

3/4: wasted!


oh, hi.. wow,, wow,, wow,, (can u imagine putting some expression on my face while im saying that line?) yes i know, hideous. LOL.

what makes me go "oh hi wow wow wow" is that, i didn't study today. ok, i DID NOT. okay. that's bad. exam is next week. but i wasted nearly 3/4 of the day watching tv series.

what tv series?

it's HOUSE. 
fyi: i've just started on House. season 1. i watched it on AXN when i was still schooling.

well you can study that way nbeela. but how effective that could be? just by recalling the drug's name pass your pharmacology exam? dream on it.

ok, nbeelah GTG. she needs to STUDY. a paper study, not a tv series study.

Friday, October 15, 2010

selamat lahir ke dunia =)


aaaaaaa..td baru tengok fb kawan, anak sdare dia dpt adik..comel gle T_T

msti si abang tu gembira dpt adik baru. beautiful sgt moment yg di captured (sila byg kan si abang tgh tepuk2 dodoi adik dia) x)

moga si adik tabah menghadapi liku2 di dunia ni, br materai janji dgn Allah kn? hehe..

alahai...comelnye T_T

*tengah mode alahaiiii comelnye~....*

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

cabe =D


 رَبّنا مَا خَلَقْتَ هذَا باطلاً
Artinya:"Ya Tuhan Kami, tiadalah Engkau menciptakan ini dengan sia-sia [Al-imran:191]
korang suka makan pedas? hehe, sy suke sgt. suke gle =P sb ble sy mkn pedas, i feel the excitement xD
teringat lg masa first year, housemate sy masak nasik lemak..sambal dia pedah gle nk mapuh..haha..siap nangis2 lagi time makan..smpai kne mkn ais, biskut, gula etc utk hilangkan pedas tu. hehehe.
red hot chilliyyy pepperrrzzz~
 ok, tu intro je tu. td ms tgh surf2, terjumpa la satu artikel psl kebaikan cili/cabai/cabe. (rs perkataan cabe tu cam comel plak xD). tp artikel tu bhs indon, leceh gak la nk bace. so sini sy simplified kan: 
Manfaat utama dia:
  1. Boleh bunuh cancer cell tanpa merosakkan normal cell.
  2. Dapat kurangkan cholesterol dlm darah.
  3. Stabilkn insulin amount dlm badan.
  4. Dapat kebahkan demam.
Manfaat tambahan:
  1. Dapat legakan hidung tersumbat =P
  2. Mengecikkan risiko kne stroke.
  3. Sebagai antibiotik "alami" (mksdnye?)
  4. Dapat kurangkan pening kepala.
  5. Meningkatkn nafsu makan=.= (dia kate hormone endorphine meningkat..ptt la kalo mkn pedas asyik nk tmbh?!)
  6. Kandungan antioxide dpt mengurangkan kadar penuaan, infertility (tak subur).
  7. Dapat mengurangkan candida albican (jangkitan fungus) pd kulit.
  8. Utk gangguan frostbite (kat msia xde kot)
  9. Utk mengubati sakit perut, bisul (guna daun dia yg digiling)
  10. Mengubati perut kembung.
  11. PEMBAKARAN KALORI SEHINGGA 25% (ni menarikkk..hehehehe)
  12. Membekalkan kalsium dan phosphorus.
  13. Menghasilkan vit C ngan pro-vitamin A.
haha, rasa macam baca pamplet ubat x? hehehe. tu la. tp pandai2 la kte fikir, nk mkn pedas pn xleh secara berlebihan. dia irritate perut gk kn? nk buat ape pn xleh berlebihan. nnt kuar la istilah hypo-blablabla, hyper-blablabla. nk slmt amek jln sedang2 je =)

tp ape pn, sume berbalik kpd Allah. Dia sebaik2 penyembuh. Kun fayakun, itu kata-Nya.

btw, nk bace artikel penuh, klik SINI..!.. dan lagi satu, sy terbace psl indomee, jom bace..klik SINI PLAK =P

Sunday, October 10, 2010


if you want to succeed, you have to sacrifice.
if you want to gain respect, respect other first.
if you want ice cream, go n buy it at the store!

(ape motif ni=.=?)

same goes for;
if u want ppl to listen to you, you have to listen to them first=.=!

simple kan?

haish, same je latar masyarakat sini. tak berubah-_-

ok, post sedikit emo.

erm, a lil bit extreme=.="


okay, this is much better =)

Monday, October 4, 2010

back in Jordan


salam everyone! hehe. alhamdulillah, im back in jordan. and alhamdulillah too, im officially 3rd year dentistry student.

speaking about 3rd year, well im actually very grateful and happy, because finally, im learning dentistry stuff. i mean, before this, most of the subjects were medical one. i didnt see my future,or my career in those subjects=.=

in prothodonticss, we are now learning to make a full denture for an edentulous person. next lab we gonna do custom tray, for secondary impression.  though this stuff is actually technician's job, but as a dentist, it's a shame if you ask a person to do thing that you actually dont know. dr saleh told so.

in conservative dentistry, we are now learning how to make a cavity. how to restore a tooth. tomorrow's lab, we gonna do for class II. im excited to use the handpiece and burs and drill my plastic tooth. last time we did the work on the table, not in the phantom head. well tomorrow, it's gonna be in the phantom head. im thrilled! =P

in oral pathology..ermm..not as excited as other dental subjects=.= because there's no lab work to do=.=..all we do was listening to the lecture and look at those pathologic microscopic images. i get bored. but i know, i must study it well, because im gonna be using that knowledge for the entire life afterwards=.= oh god=.=

in pharmacology, simply, i couldnt focus. so many drug's name to be memorized=.= i'll do my best, but Allah, pls help me=.=


alhamdulillah. alhamdulillah. alhamdulillah. =)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

August Rush


1. my fish died. RIP oken.

2. exams on the way: 
21/08 - wellness
23/08 - immunology
24/08 - dental materials
28/08 - ..........^_^............ (going back HOME, insya allah)

3. do pray for me, and my friends. so that everybody can happily pass all the exams with flying colors and continue our studies in third year. ^_^

4. happy ramadan! how many surahs have you memorized? ;)

big thanks =)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My Ramadhan Checklist

Ramadan is like a blessing. and it finally comes. Ahlen Ahlen ya ramadan. I am excited, because this is the perfect time to boost our iman, aite? ;)

so here's a checklist that you guys might get interested in doing so. 

1. Eat, drink and be moderate

Almost all of us do it - once Iftar time hits, we just keep plowing food and drink into our mouths till it's hard to move afterwards. And those of us who do it know this is totally contrary to the spirit of Ramadan, through which we're supposed to learn self-control not self-indulgence. Let's try to stick to the Prophetic rule on eating: fill our stomachs with one-third food, one-third water and one-third breathing space, even in Ramadan.

2. Give a JD a day in charity... or nus or rube3

The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, was always generous but even more so in Ramadan. Let's open our hearts and dig a little deeper in our wallets this year. Even less than a dollar a day adds up. Whatever you can give, it's the intention that counts.

3. Memorize 4 new surahs

Memorizing the Quran often seems like a daunting task. But the key is doing it in small bites. Since there are four weeks in Ramadan, try to memorize one new Surah a week. Start off with a short, easy one. Once you've started, you'll build momentum and may even want to memorize a longer one the following week.

4. Go to Taraweh prayers

Post-Iftar, the first urge is to sleep after an exhausting day. But try your best to head out to the mosque for Tarawih prayers. Praying alone is wonderful, but doing it in congregation is fantastic. The community spirit is part of Ramadan's blessings. Don't miss it this year. If going every day is not possible, try going at least one week.

5. Attend the Tarawih prayer in which the recitation of the Quran will be finished

Call the local mosque and find out which day the Imam will be finishing the recitation of the Quran in prayer. Attend to not only hear part of the Quran's recitation in prayer, but also participate in the heart-rending Duas that follow it.

6.  Stop swearing and/or backbiting – with a special box

It's hard not to shoot our mouths off when someone's upset us. Whether we utter those four-letter words or backbite about someone to our family and friends, we know this isn't the God-approved way of letting off steam. In Ramadan, when we want to build our spirituality, we've got to wage Jihad against our bad habits.

Try this: get a box and every time you catch yourself swearing or backbiting put some money in it. It could be a JD or less. The point is to choose an amount that makes it feel like punishment.

At the end of the month send the money to a charity or buy a gift for the person whom you've backbitten the most against.

7. Call/email your relatives

You'd think that given the easy access to email, competitive long-distance calling rates, phone cards, etc. these days, we'd keep in touch with family and friends more often. But the opposite seems to be the case, as we get caught up in life's "busyness."

Strengthening ties with family members and keeping in touch with friends is part of our way of life and an act Allah is very pleased with. This Ramadan, call family and friends or at least email them a Ramadan card and ask them how their fasting is going.

8. Go on a 'technology diet'

Even if you work in the IT industry, you can do this. Avoid checking personal email and surfing the web during your fast. After Iftar, instead of plopping yourself in front of the screen, go to Tarawih. The same goes for the television. The point is to try to give our full attention to spiritual elevation this month.

9. Read 5 minutes of Quran a day...just five, not more, not less (Oke,ahli-ahli PERMAI mampu buat lebih dari ni kan? InsyaAllah)

Even if you feel you've got absolutely no time, set a timer or the alarm on your cell phone and find a relatively quiet place. You can read the first page of the Quran you open or follow a sequence. The choice is yours. The point is simply to connect with God through His revelation in the month of the Quran.

10. Forgive everyone who has hurt you

Still got a festering wound from the fight with your friend last year? Still upset about something your spouse said during a heated argument? Or are you still bitter about the way your parents sometimes treated you as a kid? Let go of the anger and pain this Ramadan and forgive those who have hurt you. Forgiving someone is not only good for the body, but it's also great for the soul. And in Ramadan, ten days of which are devoted to Allah's forgiveness, shouldn't we lesser beings forgive too?

If you find it very difficult to forgive everyone, forgive at least three people.

This is just a part from thousands of things that you can do to make your Ramadhan more meaningful and special.
credits to : JKK PR,PERMAI  :)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ahem. Haha.


Looking for a potential husband – maybe you’re looking to improve the one to whom you’re married? Perhaps you’re a husband looking to improve yourself? Regardless of your reason, wouldn’t the following qualities be a good place to start?
  1. Practicing the deen
  2. Good Listener
  3. Faithfulness / Loyalty
  4. Sensitivity
  5. Handy
  6. Provision Oriented
  7. Adaptability
  8. Humility
The Noble Qur’an Al-Baqarah 2:228
…And they (women) have rights (over their husbands as regards living expenses, etc.) similar (to those of their husbands) over them (as regards obedience and respect, etc.) to what is reasonable, but men have a degree (of responsibility) over them. And Allâh is All-Mighty, All-Wise.

p/s: if you want to read the FULL article, do click here =)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Lily & Oken


lily and oken: first day beli
hi hi. we meet again guys. see those little-cute-of-something? hehe, tu ikan2 yg sy bela skng. name dia LILY (assuming it's a female) and OKEN (and he's a male. well this is just assumptions i made based on their behaviour)

lily yg polka dot tu. oken yg mcm bendera usa tu. huhu. ms br beli ikan ni, tgh smgt tgk cte hannah montana =_=" so smgt ltak name ikan2 ni smpena watak2 fevret dlm cter tu =_=" (ye sy tau bunyi kurang matang =.=")

oken on the very left, lily on the very right. they spiced up the series, seriously ;)
ikan ni, nk dkat sebulan gak la sy jg. dia ikan kacukan, kira, mcm bahan eksperimen, yg dicampur2kan gene bla3, terhasil lah ikan ni atas keizinan Allah. kire ikan jenis ni, korg xjumpa la dlm lautan atau sungai. "penghasilan" ikan ni pn dpt tentangan dr segi ethics snanye. kalau nk tau lebih lanjut, sile la google: bloody parrot fish- a fish with small mouth, awkward pattern of swimming, etc

my very first ikan warna warni. i only bela ikan laga aka beta fish before. btw look at those mouth, muach2. haha.
ms kat kdai, diorg duduk dlm aquarium besa, ramai2, hidup elok je. tp yg sy beli ni, diorg asyik gaduh, or maybe lebih tepat, buli. si lily tu aggresif sgt, suke buli oken yg xmelawan ni. huhu. tensen gak tgk ikan kte gaduh kan? org nk mating kn dia biar dpt baby fish, gaduh plak diorg. ish3.
skng ni, tpakse asingkan diorg. demi kemaslahatan masing2. sbb nye si oken cedera parah ='(
igt nk upload gmbr dia, tp xsmpai hati, korg pn akan terkejut kot. huhu. 

kdg2 rs bersalah, sb ayah sy pnah ckp, kalo xleh nk jaga ikan tu elok2, lepaskan dia. jgn bg dia terseksa. WUU ayah! im so sad!! kalo sy nk lpaskan ikan ni pn, sy xyakin dia akan bahagia, sb air jordan xsehat. chlorine sgt3 kuat. n kt tmpt sy tinggal ni, mane ade sungai atau lautan terdekat? plg dkat pn laut mati. lagi la ikan2 ni tak leh hidup. gila ape.

n latest news, pagi td bgn2 tdo je, tgk si oken terbaring kat dasar scare horizontal. OMG. rs nk nangis da tgk dia cmtu. mati2 igt dia da mati?!?!?!?! skali ble perhati lame2, insang dia gerak2 lg, tbe2 dia berenang2 blk, i was like, "oken did u play dead?!?!" ish3. kejam btl. tp ape pun bersyukur sb dia hidup lg. 

pls survive oken. i wanna see u swimming around again. i wanna see the happy oken T_T

oken <3, lily =_=


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Mimpi yg sempurna- Peter Pan

hehe. tajuk kat atas xde kne mngena. amek pkataan pertama je, MIMPI.

ni nightmare for an orange la kot. hehehehe.

mimpi, ape yg korg tau psl mimpi? org slalu kate mimpi tu mainan syaitan kan. tp tak jugak. kdg2 petunjuk dr allah.

korg pnah bace surah Yusuf? mesti pnah kn. kecik2 lg da khatam, hehe. prasan x, kisah Yusuf, sangat hebat, dan dimulakan dgn mimpi.
"(Ingatlah), ketika Yusuf berkata kepada ayahnya, "Wahai anakkku! Sungguh, aku (bermimpi) melihat sebelas bintang, matahari dan bulan; kulihat semuanya sujud kepadaku." (12:4)
nampak? ms sy dgr talk ni, ustz tu kate, 11 bintang tu merujuk kpd adik bradik Yusuf, matahari kpd ayahnya, n bulan tu maknya. ok, so balik pd topik. ustz tu bgtau, mimpi yg buruk, biasanya tak benar. i said biasanya k. sb kdg2 ada gak yg benar, sb manusia pn ada perangai syaitan sikit. huhu.

mimpi yg benar, dikatakan, if kte tdo dlm keadaan kte mengingati Allah. cthnye, sblm tdo, kita:
  • solat dua rakaat dhuha (bkn la sblm tdo, tp ms waktu dhuha tu la=.=)
  • 3 hari berpuasa setiap 13,14,15
  • berwitir setiap kali nk tdo
plus, ble mimpi tu, kte tak buat perkara yg cam contoh, "melanggar subuh".

pstu, ape yg kte mimpi tu, JANGAN cerita kat org, melainkan org yg sgt dipercayai. dipercayai tu mksdnye, yg dekat dgn Allah s.w.t

knape ngan org yg dkat ngan Allah? -sb Allah bg firasat, ilham, karamah etc kat org camtu. ni dlm al-Quran pn dia da ckp;
"Dia (ayahnya) berkata, "Wahai anakku! Janganlah engkau menceritakan mimpimu kpd saudara2mu, mereka akan membuat tipu daya (utk membinasakanmu), Sungguh, setan itu musuh yg jelas bagi manusia." (12:5)

knape ayah Yusuf xbg cerita kat adik-bradik dia? sb kn time tu, adk bradik dia jeles ngan Yusuf, ayah diorg syg sgt3 kat Yusuf..

ok, so ble mimpi tu:
  1. tafsirkan dgn baik. -sb kalo org yg tak thiqoh (dak2 jordan, ni bkn SIKAH ok), dia akan merepek2. 
  2. ditafsirkan oleh org yg baik2. -sb tafsir yg baik tu, dah dekat dgn kebenaran walaupun tak benar sepenuhnya. 
n pnutupnye, ape yg kte mimpi, itu la yg kte pk pk, yg kte tak habis pk, dan bakal mewarnai hari-hari seterusnya. hehe.

tbe2 je rasa nk share psl mimpi ni. sb hr tu ade sorang adik ni tanye sy psl mimpi. akak xtau nk jwb cane dik, harap ni dpt membantu =)

okeh bye2! Allah yukhollikum!