Everything is pre-written.. but with prayers it can be re-written..
so live the best and leave the rest to Allah! :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

i see no free time but works=.=


few days back, i had a sort of bad days. i dont know why. i was moody, gloomy, inside. everything wasn't fine. maybe it's just PMS.

so to tell you the story, i attended a program, a very eyes-opening-program: ISK or what u call, Ini Sejarah Kita. i had this program once during my preparation but that was like a very summarized one. so i decided to go for the full-version one.

at first, i was a lil bit swingy with my moods. can i blame the PMS again? uhuh. i was fighting like hell with the devils to renew my niat everytime. and alhamdulillah i was ok after then.

so if ur naqibah ask u to come to ISK, pls guys, dont hesitate. i learned a lot of history.

the Islam's history and a lil bit of Christian's history. i get to know how was the world before Islam came, how did the da'wah spreaded, how Islam get to their Golden Age..oops, not theirs, but OURS =)..and how did the civilization of Islam and the Khilafah was brought down by Islam's greatest betrayer..

i tell u my friends, it is not a waste of time or anything going to this program. u will finally realized, how the ummah has suffered for not having the Khilafah system. we may not feel like suffering but actually, we are indeed.

u may not see what i am saying right now but once u go to the program, insya allah, u'll understand.
i'd like to share of what i got during that prog, but maybe next time =)

oh n btw, 

i finally took off my braces. it was like a few hours ago and i've started missing my braces T_T..sobs T_T.. (i should be happy but im sooo gonna miss how my braces could scare or astonish the KIDS, HA HA!)  

 ( my ortho appliances is not that bad=_=" )
i've already bought the dental anatomy and occlusion material for teeth carving. oh i jz cant wait! =D

so that's all about my updates. later :)


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