Everything is pre-written.. but with prayers it can be re-written..
so live the best and leave the rest to Allah! :)

Friday, April 13, 2012

random stories

salam ppl. how have you guys been doing? tamam? menih?
so here are few stories i wanna share..

story #1
i have this one little pedo patient (he's eleven btw). his oral hygiene is pretty good. very minimal caries so we just did PRR and fissure sealants. and i gave him OHI (oral hygiene instruction).

so on our last appointment, we brought him to arabella. i promised him to treat him with mcd. so i bought him mcroyale LARGE (wajbeh). and during the meal, he asked, "is it okay to drink this whole cola?" i was like, *tersedak sedak*. because i told him earlier that dont drink cola, it's not good for your teeth.

oh my god. how horrible that feeling was. it's like you dont do what you preach. when i reflected, it's the same in doing da3wah, if you dont do what you preach, you should feel that you're horrible. really horrible=.=............ *insaf*

story #2
last liqa, we discussed about qiamah (againnn??!). you know, it's really insaf-ing when we discuss about this topic. you will feel like, im not ready to die. i still need to top-up my iman, my amal and everything that could help me to weigh my mizan towards jannah. sobs. 

do you guys know about china? they are being ruled by communist since..i dont know when..? what concept does their ideology portrays? do you guys know? well, we should do some research. i only know their surface story, but it's enough to make me worry. sb diorg cam israel timur.

and i dont know where do they get the info that dajjal will come out from golan lake. fyi, golan lake is located in between israel and syria and jordan. it used to be syria's, but now it's in israel's territory. and they said that once the lake is dried, dajjal will come out from there. and guess what, israelians use that lake as their water-source=.=..... i dont know how far is the truth of this news but nevertheless, it's enough to make us worry that qiamah is not far from us.
golan lake from umm qays's view (pic courtesy from google)
and one of qiamah's sign is the sun will rise from the west. some said, it's not literally that the sun itself, it might be the muslims in the west. as we all know, number of muslims are rising day by day in the west. they are rising in number, and the "kepekatan" of iman.

they said that islam will rise again before qiamah. so we dont have to worry as long as islam doesnt rise yet. no, you must not think that way! we dont know exactly when will islam rise. maybe without our knowing, islam is actually rising and spreading all over the world. and suddenly comes the qiamah. 
how unlucky could we be, not knowing about that?

aren't you scared people?

story #3
ok this one, is some sort of emotional bit. what i want to state here is that, it's not a shame to get off a taxi in the middle of the road if he asked more than what you should pay. but it's stupid if you stay and agree to pay that much. unless you're very desperate.
taxi in jordan (pic courtesy from google)
damn it happened to me today. and i chose to get off the taxi. i got to ride a coaster right after i get off the taxi. how nice of Allah.

but anyhow, i couldnt stop complaining about that taxi driver. curse you stupid 3mmo. it's not my first year in jordan.

so malaysian in jordan, fight if you have to. dont just be pak turut. it's your right anyway.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

are we ready?


ok, ni post kedua dlm masa satu hari-_-

baru tadi dlm liqa, ktorg belajar tafsir surah at-takwir sampai ayat 14.. dlm tu dia banyak cerita tentang gambaran hari qiamat.

setiap kali bincang tentang gambaran atau suasana hari qiamat tu, mesti rasa insaf sgt3..
"aku dah bersedia ke andai kata tiba2 esok langit jatuh, lautan terbelah, gunung-ganang hancur seperti debu2 bertaburan..?"
 ini baru gambaran manusia..belum lagi yg sebenar..yg sebenar lagi dahsyat T_T


kita tgh dgr kuliah..siap tertdo2 lg dlm hall tu..tiba2 kat luar tu dgr orang berlari macam hilang anak, tanah merekah, langit gelap etc..apa kita nk buat saat2 genting camtu? =(((((((((((
dah la kita jauh dari family..

oh, cakap pasal family..korg tau tak, nnt time berlakunya qiamat tu, kita sesama keluarga pun, tak recognize and protect each other..semua orang busy nak selamatkan diri sendiri..sedih kan..
buktinye mana? cuba tengok surah 'abasa..

80:33- maka apabila datang suara yang memekakkan (tiupan sangkakala yang kedua)
80:34- pada hari itu, manusia lari dari saudaranya,
80:35- dan dari ibu dan bapanya
80:36- dan dari isteri dan anak-anaknya
80:37- setiap orang dari mereka pada hari itu mempunyai urusan yang menyibukkannya
wa ila akhiru suroh.. T_T

sedih kan? sedih kannn? SEDIH KAN???!?!?! TT_______TT
everytime i read this surah, mesti rasa sedih..rasa nak nangis.. T_T takutnye nk qiamat...sgt takut... T_T

sy selitkan sekali video ttg syria. selama ni memang sengaja tak nak cakna (jgn ikut, berdosa). sb kalau cakna, konfem meleleh air mate. tgk, kan da meleleh. huhu. kesian weh. sedara kita diorg tu. tgk la camne tahap kebergantungan diorg ngan Allah. kalau malaysia cane? huu sedih lg T_T



hmm. sy mmg suka berkawan dan buat kawan. tp sb sy dalam "jalan itu". so org fikir sy berkawan sb sy nakkan sesuatu dari diorg. takpe lah..bak kata org,

"ikhlas itu umpama semut hitam yg berjalan atas batu yg hitam di hari yg mlm" kan.. :)

tp mak sy mmg penah cakap, org mmg berkawan ngan kita sebab dia nakkan sesuatu dari kita. hmm. but insya allah im not like that.

firstly, sy suka berkawan sb sy rasa best melebarkan network friendship sy.

yes i want my network to be like this! or even greater! =D
thani ishi, sy suka sebab..entah? seronok? kenal ngan org baru..carik minat yg sama..
it's even sweeter if it's based on lillahi ta3ala =)
last but not least, sy mesti pupuk, suka berkawan lillahi ta3ala..

usually berkawan lillahi ta3ala ni, sy senang dpt bila berjumpa dgn akhawat2..sb kita tau, kenapa kita berkumpul..kerana ikatan aqidah..ntahla, kejap je boleh jatuh sayang :')
hmmm..sort of like this? hehe..
why im writing out this stuff? hmm..

sbb sy sedih..ada orang meragui sy..heh..ntahla..sedihla.. :)

sy pun macam manusia biasa..bila org lari2 dari kita, sy pun ada ego untuk taknak tegur atau mencari..sebab bila kita tanya2 khabar, dia lari sebab dia rasa kita tanya sebab nakkan something..padahal sy mmg tanye sebab saje2 je..bosan2..daripada tegur lelaki yg kita tak kenal, baik la tegur akhawat kan?

lg satu, bila sy berkawan dgn seseorg tu sepenuh hati, mmg sy syg lah. tp bila kwn tu abandon sy, mmg hancur la hati. ade kawan penah pesan, bila berkawan tu, dont put yourself in too much. biasa2 je.
huuu..tp sy bila da syg tu, hmm mmg syg la-_- what to do -_-....

am i being melancholic too much for this matter? where goes my sanguinity?

ye sy mmg pelik. sanguine-melancholy 50-50. org kata split personality. haha.

Monday, February 20, 2012

worthless to read. so dont read!


assalamualaikum and hi everybodyyyyy!
it's been a long time i havent post anything..hihi, i guess im not really a blogger =P

anyway, today i made a personal record for myself! (background: yeeeaayyy!)
i did class II amalgam on 14..and finished before 4o'clock..teehee~ and also, this was my first time supervised by doc wael..in my point of view, he's a lil bit different from doc fareed but it's okay, they are both good doctors! =D

hmm actually a lot of things happened lately..i dont know..hmmm..i dont know...hmmmmmm....=_=! stop it nblh, annoying lah=_=...


ok tatau nak tulis ape. baik g buat kek. bye!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011



hehe penah dgr pasal pseudopants? tak penah? legging mesti penah kan? haha, meh tgk video ni.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEvi5fLYadY&sns=fb

se-open minded mana omputih pun, diorg tau legging tu bukan seluar. org melayu yg terkenal ngan kesopan-santunan, tatasusilanya, keterpeliharaannya bla bla (mls nk puji lebih), tak paham2 jugak. haha. (tp bukan semua la kan :) )

personally, i think it's VERY not suitable for a muslimah to wear leggings as a pants. kalau nk buat seluar dlm baju kurung tak pe la gak.

kat jordan ni, berlambak org arab pakai leggings time winter. tak paham gak tu. org melayu jangan nk duk ikut lak. kena pesan kt org melayu ni, tgk org arab pakai sanggul unta tu, dia pun nk pakai jugak. arab tu bukannye semua betul pun. diorg pn ikut je western tu, bajet cool la. zzz. tido la wei. haha. kbye.

p/s: tahukah anda, budaya sanggul unta adalah budaya masyarakat jahiliah? habis tu kenapa ikut? =/